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9 Nov 2022

Do your nails suddenly break off? This could be the reason

When your nails have finally grown nice and long again, they suddenly break off one by one. You get stuck behind a hook or bang your nail against something. But how is it actually possible that sometimes your nails break so easily?

1. Vitamin deficiency
Your nails can break or crack more easily if you have a vitamin or mineral deficiency. For example, deficiencies in iron or zinc can cause weak nails because they are essential for building keratin. This protein, in turn, is important in building your nails and hair. But not only do iron or zinc deficiencies make your nails brittle, vitamins A, B12 and C are also important. Do you think a vitamin deficiency is the reason your nails break easily? If so, it is always wise to consult with a doctor before taking extra vitamins.

2. Menopause
During the menopause your hormone balance changes. This also has a strong influence on your nails. This is because during the menopause, the female hormone estrogen decreases, making your nails weaker and less able to withstand a beating.

3. Nail polish
A bright color on your nails is great fun, but nail polish can also damage your nails. Therefore, make sure that you use nail polish without chemicals so that the health of your nails remains optimal. Not only nail polish can contain these toxic chemicals, even nail polish remover can contain these substances, such as acetone, for example. So it is also preferable to use a nail polish remover without acetone.

Do you wear artificial nails? Even then it is good to keep an eye on the health of your nails. Artificial nails can deteriorate the quality of your nails, for example, because you also remove them with acetone.

4. Exposure to water
Do you often wash your hands, do the dishes or have a job that involves frequent contact with water? Then chances are your nails are weaker and break off faster. This is because your nails absorb a lot of moisture and are not always dried properly. As a result, they dry out easily. An easy solution to this is to wear gloves when cleaning or washing dishes.

5. Underlying disorders
Something that is less common, but may be the reason you personally have weak nails, are underlying conditions. For example, a thyroid condition can also cause your hair to fall out or your nails to become brittle. Are you unsure if this is the cause of your brittle nails? If so, contact your doctor.

How do you prevent your nails from breaking?
·Protect your nails from outside influences. Do you mainly suffer from brittle nails because they are in frequent contact with water or other irritants? Then try to reduce this contact, for example by wearing gloves. Gloves also protect your hands and nails well in cold and inclement weather.
·Let your nails rest. Try not to pick and bite at your nails or pull off sheets. Nail polish can help strengthen your nails, but be careful not to put too many chemicals in them and use a nail polish remover without acetone. 
·Don't let your nails grow too long and cut them straight. Always file your nails in one direction after cutting.
·Take good care of your hands and nails. Lubricate your hands and nails regularly with a moisturizing hand cream and use the O-P-I Oil Pen.
·Have your nails treated by a professional nail stylist at Beautysalon MOOI, treat yourself to a pampering moment.


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