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Why your eyebrows may become thinner as you age

Why your eyebrows may become thinner as you age
30 Oct 2023

Why your eyebrows can get thinner as you age
You may have had beautiful full eyebrows before, but now that you're a little older, those hairs above your eyes are getting thinner. Why is that? You can tell: age. This change in your body causes thinner eyebrows.

We explain.

Thinner eyebrows as you get older
There was a time when eyebrows had to be thin, thinner, thinnest according to fashion. Now full, natural eyebrows are trendy again. Nothing is as changeable as beauty trends, but your eyebrows themselves are also subject to regular changes. In fact, for many women, eyebrows become thinner with each passing year, whereas previously they were thick and grew a lot of hairs. What could this be due to? A common cause is aging.

Causes of thinning eyebrows
The fact that fewer and fewer hairs grow (back) above your eyes has several reasons, all of which have to do with age. You probably already know that the elasticity of your skin decreases as you age. But that also affects your hair follicles. Because of the decrease in elasticity, the hair follicles can't do their job as well, and stop producing new hairs. Pre-existing hairs can also fall out, resulting in increasingly thin eyebrows. Sometimes your eyebrows are not necessarily less full, but they may appear to be. Reason? Gray hair.

The menopause
Besides the decrease in elasticity in your skin, another culprit is present: that well-known menopause. As if those hormones during menopause don't cause enough symptoms already, they can also make your eyebrows thinner. So do the hairs on your head. The cause? A decrease in estrogen, the hormone that, among other things, causes hair growth.

Making eyebrows appear fuller
So thinning your eyebrows is part of the aging process. Those who still prefer somewhat fuller brows can make their eyebrows appear optically fuller with, for example, a Henna treatment or coloring the eyebrow hairs/skin, feel free to ask for advice at Beautysalon MOOI.


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